Below is a testimony that happened to me. It is followed by the lessons I learned that day.

"I went with a group to the Indianapolis 500 to witness. The leader said some will be preaching, some will be singing, and some will be clowns.  I said, "I'm not going to sing.  I'm not going to preach.  I guess I have to be a clown."  Soon a man began to put makeup on my face.  And as he began to put makeup on my face, he began to pray in tongues.  I knew something special was happening in my heart.  I didn't know what it was, but I knew something was happening.  That day when we went out to minister, we were passing out tracks to all the children.  All of a sudden, I was surrounded.  There were children everywhere. I couldn’t move and they wouldn’t leave.  They just kept trying to get close to me to get some prize or something. Well, what am I going to do?  Then right up out of my spirit, I knew what I was to do - pray.  And my head said, "Pray they go away."  No, that wasn’t right.  So I said, "Boys and girls, do you know how to pray?"  They said, "Yes."  And we all got down on our knees, and we prayed the Prayer of Salvation.  Then they all just left. That day, several children received Jesus as their Lord.  And as soon as I said, 'Amen,' they were gone, they seem to just disappeared, before I couldn't get rid of them."

1)   I couldn't get rid of them because they had a need, Christ.  Children will “pester” you because they need something not because they are mean or ill mannered. Every nursery workers can said, “Amen”. This is just as true for children of all ages. They know they need something. They don’t know what is it, or how to ask for it. They were looking to us to meet their needs.  Alleluia, in Christ we can, and as soon as children get what they need their harassment stops and they return to being delightful children again. 

2)   Praying in tongues is the beginning of ministry. Next you need to hear in your spirit. Finally you have to know what to do with what you heard. Don’t just pray for your class. After you pray expect to hear from heaven. Once you have that word form heaven pray fully consider how to minister that word.

3)   The last lesson I gained is to be willing to do something, anything and God will use YOU.